Taxi prices in United States
Explore the most popular cities and top destinations in the United States of America. Keep up to date with the latest estimated taxi fares for over 265+ cities. Plan trips and budgets effectively.
Cities In United States
- Abilene
- Akron
- Albuquerque
- Amarillo
- Ames
- Anchorage
- Ann Arbor
- Asheville, NC
- Athens
- Atlanta
- Auburn
- Augusta
- Austin
- Bakersfield
- Baltimore-Maryland
- Baton Rouge
- Beaumont
- Bellingham
- Big Island
- Billings
- Birmingham, AL
- Bismarck
- Bloomington, IN
- Boise
- Boone
- Boston
- Bowling Green, KY
- Bozeman
- Carbondale
- Cedar Rapids
- Central Atlantic Coast, FL
- Central Oregon
- Champaign
- Charleston, SC
- Charlotte
- Charlottesville-Harrisonburg
- Chattanooga
- Chicago
- Cincinnati
- Cleveland
- Coastal Georgia
- Coeur D'Alene
- College Station
- Colorado Springs
- Columbia, SC
- Columbia, MO
- Columbus
- Columbus, GA
- Connecticut
- Cookeville
- Corpus Christi
- Dallas-Fort Worth
- Dayton
- Delaware
- Denver
- Des Moines
- Detroit
- Dickinson
- Dothan
- DuBois
- Dubuque
- Duluth
- Eagle Pass
- East Alabama
- Eastern Arizona
- Eastern Idaho
- Eastern Nevada
- Eastern North Carolina
- Eastern Shore
- Eastern Washington
- Eastern WV
- Eau Claire
- El Paso
- Erie
- Eugene, OR
- Evansville, IN
- Fairbanks
- Fargo - Moorhead
- Fayetteville, AR
- Fayetteville, NC
- Flagstaff
- Flint
- Florence, SC
- Florida Keys
- Fort Collins
- Fort Myers-Naples
- Fort Wayne
- Fresno
- Gainesville
- Gallup
- Golden Triangle
- Grand Forks
- Grand Rapids
- Greater Maine
- Greater Williamsport
- Green Bay
- Greenville, SC
- Gulfport-Biloxi
- Hampton Roads
- Harrisburg
- Hattiesburg, MS
- Honolulu
- Houston
- Huntsville, AL
- Indianapolis
- Inland Empire
- Iowa City
- Jackson
- Jackson, TN
- Jacksonville
- Johnstown-Altoona
- Jonesboro
- Juneau
- Kalamazoo
- Kansas City
- Kauai
- Killeen
- Knoxville
- La Crosse
- Lafayette-Lake Charles
- Lancaster, PA
- Lansing
- Laredo
- Las Cruces
- Las Vegas
- Lawrence
- Lawton
- Lehigh Valley
- Lexington
- Lincoln
- Little Rock
- Los Angeles
- Louisville
- Lubbock
- Macon
- Madison
- Manhattan
- Mankato
- Maui
- Mayaguez
- Memphis
- Meridian
- Miami
- Midland-Odessa
- Milwaukee
- Minneapolis - St. Paul
- Mississippi Delta
- Missoula
- Mobile, AL
- Modesto
- Montgomery, AL
- Myrtle Beach
- Nacogdoches
- Nashville
- New Hampshire
- New Jersey
- New Orleans
- New York City
- North Georgia
- Northern Missouri
- Northwest IL
- NW Indiana
- NYC Suburbs
- Ocala, FL
- Oklahoma City
- Olympia
- Omaha
- Orange County
- Orlando
- Outer Banks, NC
- Oxford
- Palm Springs
- Panama City, Fl
- Peninsula and SW WA
- Pensacola, FL
- Peoria, IL
- Philadelphia
- Phoenix
- Piedmont Triad
- Pierre
- Pittsburgh
- Ponce
- Portland
- Portland, ME
- Quad Cities
- Raleigh-Durham
- Rapid City
- Reading, PA
- Reno
- Rhode Island
- Richmond
- Rio Grande Valley
- Roanoke-Blacksburg
- Rochester, MN
- Rockford
- Rockies
- Roswell
- Sacramento
- Salt Lake City
- San Angelo
- San Antonio
- San Diego
- San Francisco Bay Area
- San Juan, PR
- San Luis Obispo
- Santa Barbara
- Santa Fe
- Sarasota
- Savannah-Hilton Head
- Seattle
- Shreveport-Alexandria
- Sioux City
- Sioux Falls
- South Alabama
- South Bend
- South Georgia
- South Tennessee
- Southern Arkansas
- Southern IL
- Southern Oregon
- Southern Utah
- Spokane
- Springfield, IL
- Springfield, Mo
- St Cloud
- St Louis
- State College
- Stillwater
- Tacoma
- Tallahassee
- Tampa Bay
- Taos
- Terre Haute
- Texarkana
- The Shoals
- Toledo
- Topeka
- Traverse City
- Tri-Cities
- Tri-Cities, MI
- Tucson
- Tulsa
- Tuscaloosa
- Tyler
- Upstate NY
- Ventura
- Vermont
- Waco
- Washington D.C.
- Waterloo-Cedar Falls
- West Lafayette
- West Texas
- Western Arizona
- Western MA
- Western WV
- Wichita
- Wichita Falls
- Wilkes-Barre Scranton
- Willamette Valley
- Wilmington, NC
- Worcester
- Wyoming
- York-Gettysburg
- Youngstown
- Yuma