Taxi from Omaha, Douglas County, Nebraska, to 4501, Abbott Drive, East Omaha, O
Ride fare estimates for taxi from Omaha, Douglas County, Nebraska, to 4501, Abbott Drive, East Omaha, O. Keep in mind that the route your driver selects may vary based on factors such as the time of day, and traffic conditions.
Taxi Route Fare Estimates
Distance and Time Taken is based on the most efficient taxi route we've calculated for traveling from Omaha, Douglas County, Nebraska, to 4501, Abbott Drive, East Omaha, O. The estimated taxi fare is also derived from this route, taking into consideration factors such as time, distance, popular destinations, and area density.
Travel Distance ~ 8.54 miles -
Trip Time ~ 20 minutes -
Taxi Fare ~ $18.28
Important: Please keep in mind that all the taxi fares presented here are estimates and may not accurately reflect variations due to factors such as geography, traffic congestion, or other variables.
Available Ride Options
Here are some ride options to consider for your ride from Omaha, Douglas County, Nebraska, to 4501, Abbott Drive, East Omaha, O.
The least expensive option is Standard. It is estimated to cost around $18.28 and should take approximately 20 minutes.
These options cater to different preferences, so you can choose the one that best suits your needs and budget.
Affordable rides, all to yourself.UberX, Lyft
Affordable rides for groups up to 6.UberXL, LyftXL
Route Map Overview
You can see the taxi route from Omaha, Douglas County, Nebraska, to 4501, Abbott Drive, East Omaha, O on the map below. This specific route has been used to calculate the distance, duration and the corresponding taxi fare.
In order to make it easier for you to find the starting point of your trip, we've marked it with a red marker at Omaha, Douglas County, Nebraska, 68114, USA.
On the other hand, the blue marker indicates the final destination, which is 4501, Abbott Drive, East Omaha, Omaha, Douglas County, Nebraska, 68110, USA.
Get estimate taxi price from surrounding areas: Ralston NE, Omaha NE, Omaha, LA Vista NE, Carter Lake NE.
Frequently asked questions
Popular fare estimates:
Routes with estimated time, distance, and taxi prices
- Omaha, Douglas County, Nebraska, 68114, USA to 4501, Abbott Drive, East Omaha, Omaha, Douglas County, Nebraska, 68110, USA (~ 8.54 miles)
- Omaha NE to Gretna NE (~ 20 miles)
- Omaha NE to Carter Lake NE (~ 4 miles)
- Omaha NE to Ralston NE (~ 6 miles)
- Omaha Bus Station to Skunk Hollow Drive (~ 76.55 miles)
- Carter Court, Omaha, Douglas County, Nebraska, 68110, USA to 3619, 9th Avenue, Council Bluffs, Pottawattamie County, Iowa, 51501, USA (~ 7.48 miles)
- OMA to Carter Lake IA (~ 3 miles)
- OMA to Bellevue NE (~ 16 miles)
- Carter Lake IA to Council Bluffs IA (~ 6 miles)
- Carter Lake IA to Omaha IA (~ 4 miles)