Taxi Fare Estimator
You can use our tool by typing where you're starting (Pickup location) and where you want to go (Drop-off location). Our taxi fare estimator will quickly figure out how long it takes, how far it is, and how much it will cost to get to your destination.
Recent Taxi Routes:
- 73rd Street to Greenwich Street ~ $41.17 (8.99 miles)
- 34th Street–Penn Station to The Metropolitan Museum of Art ~ $17.49 (3.21 miles)
- 5th Avenue Northeast to Seattle-Tacoma International Airport ~ $70.68 (18.03 miles)
- DFW to Lake Worth, Fort Worth TX ~ $55 (29 miles)
- DAL to Fort Worth TX ~ $59 (34 miles)
- Syracuse NY to Auburn NY ~ $48 (27 miles)
- MIA to The Beach Plaza Hotel ~ $31 (12 miles)
- North Myrtle Beach SC to Atlantic Beach SC ~ $9 (2 miles)
- Palm Desert CA to Rancho Mirage CA ~ $15 (5 miles)
- Cherry Hill NJ to Newark NJ ~ $114 (74 miles)
- Salisbury MA to Hampton MA ~ $18 (5 miles)
- Langley Avenue, Nob Hill, Honolulu, Honolulu County, Hawaii, 96818, USA to 150, Kaʻiulani Avenue, Waikīkī, Urban Honolulu, Honolulu County, Hawaii, 96815, USA ~ $30.33 (12.69 miles)
- Waapa Road, Niumalu, Lihue, Kauaʻi County, Hawaii, 96766, USA to USA ~ $19.03 (7.29 miles)
- Coral Springs FL to Plantation FL ~ $22 (12 miles)
- MKE to West View, West Allis WI ~ $34 (12 miles)
What is
Are you a frequent traveler or planning a trip and want to budget your transportation costs?
With TaxiFare, you have an easy-to-use tool to estimate taxi fares and let you know the cost, duration, and distance of your trip from one place to another. Whether you need to get from the Airport to your Hotel or any other destination, we've got you covered.
Our extensive database of over 6687+ locations worldwide
allows us to provide you with real-time price estimates for your taxi ride. Simply enter your location, click the "Search" button, and find out why we're the fare calculator of choice for travelers just like you.